July 12, 2024
As we enter the 2024-25 fiscal year, West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) is excited to continue its public education outreach and water use efficiency programs for people in the service area by providing information, classes, water-saving devices, and rebates.
Water Lab is a free water education program that provides an opportunity to learn about the challenges of reliable water, what West Basin is doing to meet future needs, and how people can get involved. The program includes in-person “Know Your H20” classes, in-person public tours of the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility (ECLWRF) and virtual chats available for anyone who wants to participate.
Only one tour on August 10 and one class on September 11 remain in the 2024 calendar year. Go to www.westbasin.org/water-lab to register now and learn more about the programs.
School field trips at ECLWRF will begin again in September, available for students in grades 3-12 who attend schools in the West Basin service area. On average, more than 100 tours are given by West Basin staff with approximately 3,500 students visiting our recycling facility each academic year.
Educators can visit www.westbasin.org/field-trips to be placed on the priority list for 2024-25 tours.
Two Firescaping classes that educate and prepare residents in fire-prone West Basin service areas will be led by subject matter experts in Rancho Palos Verdes this fall and Malibu in the spring. These classes provide potentially life-saving information and property protection information to mitigate devastating effects on people’s homes with an emphasis on proactive prevention.
Read about the most recent firescaping class at www.westbasin.org/firescaping and, once the event dates are determined, a registration link will be posted.
The West Basin annual Rain Barrel Program is also set to begin this fall. Last year 300 50-gallon rain barrels were distributed to each of the West Basin’s five District divisions, totaling 1,500 for 2023-2024. This is part of a District-wide water efficiency program that aims to reduce demand on imported water supplies by making conservation and water-efficient practices a “California Way of Life,” with one rain barrel potentially saving up to 620 gallons of water per year.
You can go to westbasin.org/rainbarrels to join the 2024 Rain Barrel interest list.
Continuing to offset the cost of converting thirsty lawns into beautiful climate-friendly landscapes, residents in the West Basin service area are eligible to apply for rebates starting at $3 per square foot of grass removed, up to $15,000, through the Grass Replacement Program. This rebate offering has been extended into the new fiscal year while funds last. Additionally, residents will receive a $100 rebate per tree for up to five trees planted while replacing grass, courtesy of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s tree rebate.
For more information and to apply, visit www.westbasin.org/grassreplacement.
In addition to this, the Grass Replacement + Program which is another program that encourages residents to remove water-thirsty lawns and replace them with beautiful climate-appropriate gardens, has also been extended into the new fiscal year while funds last. This program offers eligible residents in priority neighborhoods an increased rebate of $5 for every square foot of grass replaced up to $25,000.
Those who live in the West Basin service area can find out if they qualify at www.westbasin.org/grassplus.
Dates for Rain Barrel distribution, Firescaping classes, school field trips and Water Lab events will be announced soon. All program dates will be posted on the events page at www.westbasin.org/event-list.