The City of Malibu, West Basin Municipal Water District, and Los Angeles County Waterworks District 29 (Project partners) received a $1.05 Million Prop 84 grant (Number 4600011488) award in 2018 to reduce water use by 87.4 acre-feet (AF) per year (1,174.5 lifetime AF) in the City of Malibu and the LA County Unincorporated area of Topanga through the installation of water saving measures in the highest use residences.
The Comprehensive Water Conservation Project, designed at the height of California’s 2011-2016 drought, was intended to provide a wide range of resources such as rebates, educational classes, indoor/outdoor surveys, smart water meter installations, and consultations.
The Project’s original design targeted the top 500 residential water users offering water efficiency measures focused most heavily on indoor measures as well as turf replacement. The program evolved and achieved its goals, and concluded in 2022. Read the full program summary report.